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摘要: Java 在 5.0 的时候已经具备了检查集合中的元素类型是否正确的能力,但是只有很少一部分程序员知道这个功能,这个功能在代码调试阶段起到了非常巨大的作用,它可以在早期就把异常抛出。

Dinosaurs roamed the earth. Fred Flintstone wrote Applets with JBuilder. A shaft of lightning split the dark sky and with a flash <> appeared on his amber screen. Fred scratched his head. _"What on flat earth was List<String>?"

在那古老的恐龙时代,原始人弗莱德正在用 Jbuilder 写一个 Applets 程序,一道闪电劈开了昏暗的天空,<> 在弗莱德那琥珀显示器上不停的闪烁。弗莱德抓了抓脑袋说道:“List<String> 是个什么鬼?”

It was the advent of generics.


Programmers do not like change. Or rather, we do not like change that will break something that was working perfectly well before. Java 1.4 introduced the **assert** keyword. It broke a bunch of our classes. Java 1.5 added **enum** to the relatively short list of reserved words, a popular name for Enumeration instances. And that was the last time a new keyword was added to the Java Programming Language. Sun Microsystems' engineers knew their audience. They also knew that for their generics to be accepted, old code should preferably still compile without any changes necessary.

程序员不喜欢变化,不如说我们不喜欢去接受一些新的改变我们编程方式的东西,因为我们之前的编程方式已经做的很熟练和完美了。Java1.4 加入了“断言” assert 关键字,他改变了我们大量的 java 类,Java1.5 添加了枚举 enum (Enumeration instances)这个流行的关键字,这也是最后一次向 Java 中添加关键字了。Sun 公司(java 的创始公司已被 Oracle 收购)的工程师了解他们的用户,并很肯定他们的用户也能接受泛型,因为使用泛型你不需要修改之前的任何代码。

Generics were designed so we could ignore them if we wanted to. The javac compiler would issue a faint sigh, but would still compile everything as before. How did they do it? Type erasure was the magic ingredient. When they compiled the class ArrayList, the generic type parameter was erased and replaced with Object. Even the E[] was erased to Object[]. In Java 6, they changed the element array in ArrayList to the more honest Object[].

泛型虽然被加入到了 Java 体系总但我们完全可以不去使用它,编译器只是会有一个警告标志,但不影响程序的执行。他们怎么做到的?这就是类型擦除(Java 泛型的内部机制,有兴趣的朋友可以百度一下),当我们编译 ArrayList 这个类时,泛型类型是被擦除掉的,被 Object(对象的祖宗)这个类型取代,甚至异常占位符 E[]也被替换成了 Object[] (百度一下泛型占位符的基本概念),在 Java 1.6 版本,他们把 ArrayList 里装载数据的类型都改变成了 Object[]。

1.  private transient Object[] elementData;

有兴趣的可以去百度一下这一行代码,深入的理解一下 ArrayList 这个使用非常频繁的集合。

By not distinguishing at runtime between ArrayList<String> and ArrayList<Integer>, we allowed Java programmers to still shoot themselves in the foot like so:

如果不去关心 ArrayList<String> 和 ArrayList<Integer> 会出现的问题,我们依然允许程序员去拿石头砸自己的脚,如下面的代码:

import java.util.*;  
public class  FootShootJava5{  
  public  static  void main(String... args)  {  
	 List<String> names =  new  ArrayList<>();
	 Collections.addAll(names,  "John",  "Anton",  "Heinz");
	 List huh = names;  
	 List<Integer> numbers = huh; 

Sure, javac would emit a warning, but at runtime everything would appear to work. It was only when we retrieved elements from ArrayList that a cast to String was inserted into the client code and then a ClassCastException would jump in our faces. This is an example of an exception that is thrown late. A while after the incorrect object has been inserted into the ArrayList, we discover that it wasn't a String after all, thus if we add the following we see the problem:

这段代码并不会报错,一切运行正常,但是当我们从集合中取出数据并加以操作的时候,异常就会跳到我们脸上,这种异常是一种_后期异常(暂时这么翻译,在本例意思是异常并没有出现在不同类型数据插入时,而是在使用时才出现)_, 下面的例子中解释了这一点:

import java.util.*;  
import  static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;
public  class  FootShootJava8  {  
  public  static  void main(String... args)  {  
	List<String> names =  new  ArrayList<String>();
	Collections.addAll(names,  "John",  "Anton",  "Heinz");
	List huh = names;
	List<Integer> numbers = huh;

(StreamAPI 相关博文:http://blog.csdn.net/u010425776/article/details/52346644)

esults in a rather grumpy:


ClassCastException:  Integer cannot be cast to CharSequence 
	at ReduceOps$3ReducingSink.accept()
	at ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining()
	at AbstractPipeline.copyInto()
	at AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto()
	at ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential()
	at AbstractPipeline.evaluate() 
	at ReferencePipeline.collect() 
	at FootShootJava8.main 

Since the exception is thrown late, it results in wasted programmer effort searching for where the wrong type could have been inserted into the list.


And yet there has always been a better way, even in Java 5. We can wrap our List object with a checkedList. This way, every time we add an element, it is checked that it is of the correct type. The ClassCastException thus happens during the add(42), rather than much later. For example:

但是总有办法来解决这个问题,甚至在 java1.5 我们也能进行集合的检查,有种方法可以在数据插入集合时就可以去检查数据类型是否正确,在 add(42) 这一行执行时就可以抛出异常不就是我们想要的?看下面的代码:

import java.util.*;
import  static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;
public  class  FootShootWithSafetyCatch  {  
	public  static  void main(String... args)  {  
		List<String> names =  Collections.checkedList(new  ArrayList<String>(),  String.class);
		Collections.addAll(names, "John","Anton","Heinz");
		List huh = names;
		List<Integer> numbers = huh;
		numbers.add(42); //异常将会出现在这一行

We would still get a ClassCastException, but at the place where the damage was done:


ClassCastException:  Attempt to insert class  Integer element into collection with element type class  String 
	at java.util.Collections$CheckedCollection.typeCheck() 
	at java.util.Collections$CheckedCollection.add() 
	at FootShootWithSafetyCatch.main 

The checked collection would also discover objects that are added via reflection and throw a ClassCastException. It could not safeguard against "deep reflection", but then not much can.


You might wonder why I am writing about a method that was added in Java 5? The reason is that hardly anybody I speak to has heard of Collections.checkedCollection() and its derivatives. It is useful to make your collections just a bit more robust against accidental or deliberate tomfoolery.

你肯定问为什么我要拿 java 1.5 来讲这个例子,原因是我想强调一下很少有人知道 Collections.checkedCollection() 和他的衍生物,这是在工作中能让我们的代码更加健壮且避免发生一些愚蠢的问题和浪费不必要的时间。

It can also be a quick and easy way to debug any ClassCastException you might discover in your system. Wrap the collection in a checked exception and the guilty party will quickly come to the fore.


Oh one last thing, completely unrelated to Java, but definitely related to our profession. Today also marks one year since I started my running streak, running at least one mile a day, in snow, rain, lightning and 48C heat. It's been fun and a great way to think about all sorts of things. I've had far more energy, have slept better and have produced more this year than in many previous years. If you're a couch potato, I can only recommend you try Streak Running and join me in the list of people who've run for at least one year, every day. No excuses.

oh. 还有一件很重要的事,跟 Java 没关系,但是对我们的职业很有好处,今天已经是我连续跑步一年的日子,每天至少跑一公里,不管是刮风下雪,闪电还是 48 度的桑拿天,对我们做事还是工作都非常有好处,我觉得我比之前更有能量了,吃的好睡的好,工作状态比前几年要好太多了,如果你是一个懒癌患者(couch potato?)我非常的建议你跟我一样加入跑步的行列,坚持一年你将看到非常显著的效果。

Kind regards from Crete


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